Prevention of Falls

As I get older, so do my patients and other people as well, of course. It has come to my attention that people have  fear about falling. A source of fearfulness occurs when leaving familiar surroundings, socializing, and has an  effect on self esteem. Some people are embarrassed if they walk too slowly and in a guarded way; others do not want to appear fragile and weak. Falls are the leading cause of non-fatal injuries and trauma-related hospitalizations in the USA. There is a risk of early death due to complications from a fall.

  • Risk Factors for Falling
  • Problems with gait, walking
  • Medications
  • Problems with vision
  • Inappropriate footwear
  • Environmental hazards: extension cords, clutter, area rugs, obstructions in hallways and walkways, carrying heavy loads, use of step stools
  • Blood pressure (low) aka postural hypotension

As chiropractors we assess one’s ability to stand on one leg, their  steadiness getting up/down from sitting, their ability to  walk in a straight line,the way the heel touches floor , normal step length.

There are classes on fall prevention generally through the Council on Aging, as well as disciplines such as TaiChi and Chi gong, and yoga .

For the younger age group, there could be balance issues due to chronicity of back problems , dizziness, and history of  concussions. The balance exercises would be similar to those taught to the elderly but younger people can be taught to roll when falling, and to relax. Relaxation tends to prevent injury. Martial arts, gymnastics, and various sports are invaluable training when it comes to preventing falls later in life. It is advisable to assess one’s balance earlier in life  since it is a health issue. Untreated falls and injuries are serious, as are untreated chronic diseases. These should be addressed.

Lynne Spillinger, D.C.,D.A.B.C.O.

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